Eremaea Birdlines
Interesting and unusual bird observations
Birdline New South Wales

Birdline NSW is a site for the reporting of rare or unusual birds outside their normal range, unusually high or low numbers, early or late arrivals or departures for migrant species and interesting behaviour or unusual habitat usage. We may also consider publishing unusually-plumaged birds (e.g. albinistic/leucistic/melanistic) if they are considered interesting or are uncommonly seen.

Birdline New South Wales is supported by Birding NSW, Birdlife Southern NSW and Cumberland Bird Observers Club and moderated by Alan Morris, Liam Murphy, Mick Roderick and Simon Blanchflower.

We support ethical birding .


Moderators' Note

Birders are encouraged to post lists to eBird Australia, where sightings are incorporated into the BirdLife Australia Atlas. To do this you need to register with eBird Australia then login. All Regent Honeyeater and Swift Parrot reports should be forwarded to Mick Roderick to assist in the recovery of these severely declining species: Note we will not be publishing reports of Accipiter raptors (Collared Sparrowhawk, Grey/Brown Goshawks) or Square-tailed Kites unless they are in unusual locations or are seen with unusual prey etc.

Recent Sightings


Reports published in the past 30 hours.

January 2025
Thu 16Glossy Black Cockatoo
Crawford Rd., Cooranbong
Just before 7 this morning, a pair of Glossys flew north across the paddocks calling to each other. At the same time there was a trio of Yellow-tailed Blacks and a pair of White Cockatoos in the sky heading east. Busy morning for parrots as saw 3 types of Lorikeet (Scaly-breasted then Little then Rainbow) in the next 10 minutes overhead.
Paul Schofield 16/1 #272094
Wed 15Glossy Black-Cockatoo
15 Glossy Bl Cockatoos observed allo-preening, flying and eating seeds from nuts off the Casuarinas trees lining the headland from creek to beach. Seemed to be mainly adult pairs and one juvenile observed with small pale spots, feeding itself. A local birder told us that she counted 20 Glossies on 13th in the evening when they came to drink at large puddles in a beach carpark. A great experience to see so many !
June Harris 15/1 #272091
Tue 14highlightpossible Australian Swiftlet.
Denistone Park
Seen this small Swiftlet this morning over looking roly poly hill circling around with Welcome Swallows. The Swiftlet was about a similar size to the swallows much smaller than Needletails or Pacific Swifts. It was light grey color all over with a very slight forked-tail, the Swiftlet circled over me three or four times before it disappeared to the south There were also small flocks of Needletails just before I had seen the Swiftlet.(Moderator's Note: We treated this sighting as a "possible" because small Swiftlets are hard to identify and we feel that the description is not adequate to definitely confirm an Australian Swiftlet (AKM).
Michael Ronan. 14/1 #272090
Bush Stone-curlew
Following on from Mick Roderick's post about Bush Stone-Curlews at a number of unexpected locations across the State, I can report that a BSC was seen and photographed by Grace Cooper on 24/12/2024 in the IGA Carpark, within the Harrington Shopping Village. The bird was subsequently seen in the carpark the following day but when Lindy Frost from the Hastings Bird Watchers went to check on the bird on 26/12/2024 all she could find was a freshly mangled corpse, possibly from a dog attack, in the same carpark. The last time that a BSC was reported from Harrington was on 24/7/2006 when a single bird was seen by myself and 12 members of a Follow That Bird Tour, in the Harrington Caravan Park.
Grace Cooper and Alan Morris 14/1 #272089
highlightBush Stone-curlews
Tamworth (but also Wellington, Gostwyk, Yarrie Lake)
Following on from the unusual observation of a Bush Stone-curlew in the Capertee Valley in late Dec/early Jan (#272048), there have been several more out of (contemporary) range birds reported since, as well as slightly earlier (Dec 2024). A bird was found in suburban Hillview (South Tamworth) last week, taken into veterinary care and released in good health to the west of Tamworth on the weekend. The bird flew away in a westerly direction. A bird was photographed in suburban Wellington yesterday (see and in mid-December individuals were photographed at Yarrie Lake 10/12) and Gostwyk, east of Uralla. All of these locations are unusual for Bush Stone-curlews and one can only speculate what is happening. The photo is of the Tamworth bird prior to going into vet care by Chris Allen.
Various observers, per Mick Roderick 14/1 #272085
Mon 13Great Knot (2), Wandering Tattler (2)
Blue Bay
A pair of Great Knot present at Blue Bay and surrounds since 9/01. A good record for the Central Coast as only singles have been seen the last 5 years or so. Single Red Knot also present along with continuing Wandering Tattler (2).
Andrew Robinson 14/1 #272084
Pacific Swift
Macquarie University, North Ryde Campus
3 birds passed over pool complex approx 7:45. Low enough to see the longer tails and no clear white chin. (Also saw approx 35 White-throated Needletails at 7:30 - the 2 groups of swifts were not associating with one another).
Tom Wilson 13/1 #272082
Sun 12Pacific Baza
Armidale Road, South Grafton
Lone advanced nestling on nest in Large-leaved Spotted Gum. Adult flew to nest. Nest in close proximity to last year's nest and located by Keith Fisher and me a couple of weeks ago.
Greg Clancy 12/1 #272081
Magpie Goose, Australian White Ibis, Royal Spoonbill
Wetland on Big River Way, Clarenza
20+ Magpie Geese loafing at water's edge, first record at this known site for some months other than 2 present a few weeks earlier. Apparently had left site to breed elsewhere, probably Coldstream Wetlands, where they are known to breed. 65+ White Ibis and 3 Royal Spoonbills and other waterbirds.
Greg Clancy 12/1 #272080
Black-winged and Gould's Petrels
Offshore--Port Stephens pelagic
Clear highlights on a very quiet day out of Port Stephens were a Black-winged Petrel and two Gould's Petrels. Very little else to speak of actually! (i.e. no Fleshy-foots, no jaegers, the only mammals all day were two Risso's Dolphins). Photo of BWPE by Allan Richardson.
Mick Roderick and all aboard M.V. Reel Contagious 12/1 #272079
Thu 9White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike
Moona Moona creek estuary Jervis Bay
4 or 5 swooping at each other and perching in trees where creek meets beach.(Moderator's Note: There are few records for the Jervis Bay area. AKM).
Andy Wood 12/1 #272077
Black-tailed Nativehen
Pitt Town Lagoon
Found by Martin Allen a few days ago the BTNA was showing well again late morning in the right hand corner viewing from in front of the hide. A telescope and rubber boots will be handy. Also Lewin’s Rail, several Spotless, Baillon’s and at least one Australian Crake, two Marsh Sandpipers and a small flock of both Sharp-tailed Sandpipers and Red-necked Stints make this a key site at the moment.
Dion Hobcroft and David James 10/1 #272073
highlightRed-chested Buttonquail
Pitt Town Bottoms Road
A walk across a suitable grass paddock with a lot of seeding Pannicum grass produced a female King Quail and thought to be the same Red-chested Buttonquail twice. It showed small size, short thick bill, diffuse pale leading edge to wing coverts and distinct orange buff chest and flanks.
Dion Hobcroft and David James 10/1 #272072
highlightHooded Robin
Scheyville National Park
Max Weatherall found this male Hooded Robin in Scheyville National Park. A very significant record as there have been no records in the Sydney county since 1999 and it is a species that is in steep decline in eastern NSW across its range in this area.
Dion Hobcroft 10/1 #272071
highlightHooded Robin
Scheyville National Park
Single male bird coming into full adult plumage found near the bridge at roughly (-33.6094537, 150.8906960), associating closely with Jacky Winters. Relocated in the same area by many others following up. A very rare bird for the Sydney area, being the first confirmed record since 1999. eBird checklist
Max Weatherall 10/1 #272070
highlightGrey Plover
Henry St Chittaway Central Coast NSW
single bird wandering along shoreline. (Moderator 's Note: 8th Central Coast Record, last seen The Entrance, December 2019.AKM) eBird checklist
David Schuemaker 9/1 #272069
Wed 8Bar-shouldered Dove
Sydney Harbour National Park,North Head.
There was a small flock of about 10 Bar-shouldered Doves up at North Head Manly last Wednesday mostly around the old Barracks. (Moderator's Note: Unusual large number for the site. AKM)
Michael Ronan. 12/1 #272076
Lathams Snipe
Yeramba Lagoon Picnic Point Sydney
My first sighting of the species in 20 years of recording. Three years ago, choking ludwigia weed was removed and the salty estuary of the Georges River allowed to flow in and out. Weed is gone in the lower salty section but still present in the fresh water flow upstream. Mangroves are recovering well. eBird checklist
Ian Bailey 8/1 #272066
Tue 7Glossy- Black Cockatoo
Kahlua Crescent, Bomaderry, NSW
3 Glossy-Blacks seen in very tall Eucalyptus overhanging Kahlua-Crescent, Bomaderry, NSW. on JAN.7, 2025 AT 5:40P.M. Heavy overcast with light to heavy rain throughout day. Cool to cold. Endless calling by at least one juv. that is scrambling around branches. All three show red under tail and one with some yellow on neck. No sightings prior to this in 2025. They have a history of sightings at this site which has some of the rarer spp. of " Cypress-pine" (maybe?) that they eat. eBird checklist
Harry Roberts 7/1 #272062
Sun 5highlightLittle Curlew
Fish Fry Flats, Ash Island (Hunter Estuary)
Single Little Curlew found hiding in the saltmarsh on Fish Fry Flats on the morning of the 5th January. The bird was not seen subsequently.
Greg Little per Mick Roderick 9/1 #272067
highlightWhiskered Tern, Australian Tern, Australian Pratincole
Watercourse Road (w of Morialta Rd) 100km west of Moree
Low number of species but large populations: 2500+ Whiskered Terns, 200+ Australian Terns, 60+ Australian Pratincole Roads opened & checking local area after rainfall event 29/30th Nov 2024 when 300mm rain fell over 30hr period. (Site approx 10km southwest of of 2022-2023 morialta rd mudflats) Site 1: southern side of Watercourse road rapidly drying cultivated mudflats. Saturday 500m long adjacent road 50-80m wide. Sunday probably only 400m long. Site 2: Northern side of Watercourse Road failed/flooded chickpea crop. Difficult to see birds amongst crop. Whiskered Terns herding/hawking insects in groups of 15-30 birds over failed crop. Away from tern site put a drone up to get a scope of area and other possible mudflats. Only got the drone up when swamped by A. pratincoles from failed crop and quickly landed. Saturday Ebird: Sunday Ebird: eBird checklist
Patrick Johnston 5/1 #272061
Grey Plover
Dee Why Lagoon
Single bird has been present since 15 December. Seen today foraging on sandspit on southwestern side of lagoon. Scope recommended.. (Moderator's Note: update on this long staying bird. AKM).
Nick Carson 5/1 #272060
highlightGrey Ternlet
4nm off Barrenjoey Headland
While travelling between the FADS(fish attracting devices) off Sydney I saw a Grey Ternlet amongst very large numbers of Shearwaters, mostly Flesh-footed and Wedge-tailed with some Fluttering, Short-tailed and Sooty. One Black-browed Albatross was seen as well as a single Fairy Prion and unidentified jaeger (Moderator's Note: The observer was initially queried about the prion because there are no Fairy Prion [or perhaps other prions?) off NSW in January, and December records are scant and unconfirmed. Unfortunately the querying email bounced so if the observer could contact the moderators that would be appreciated. MR).
Hamish Burrell 5/1 #272059
Fri 3highlightBlack-winged Petrel, Wedge-tailed Shearwater (10,000+)
Terrigal Pelagic (Norah Head)
A Black-winged Petrel was seen on an afternoon inshore trip to Norah Head. Incredible numbers of Wedge-tailed Shearwater also observed with well in excess of 10,000, along with small numbers of Short-tailed, Sooty, Flesh-footed and Fluttering Shearwater, as well as Black-browed and Shy Albatross.
Andrew Robinson, Dean Purcell, Dion Hobcroft & David James 4/1 #272057
White-breasted Woodswallow
Tunks Park, Northbridge, Sydney
A family party of five including 3 juveniles feeding on cicadas at Tunks Park in Northbridge. Perched on the wires above the carpark at the eastern end between 1145 and 1245 at least. Having seen a couple of unidentified Woodswallows over nearby Northbridge golf course on December 3 and then heard three high overhead late yesterday evening, it seems possible they may have bred nearby, continuing the minor invasion into Sydney marked by the birds breeding this year at Middle Creek in Narrabeen. eBird checklist
Mike Kilburn 3/1 #272054
Thu 2highlightWhite-necked Petrel
Mistral Point, Maroubra
A nice morning sea watch, resulted in the following birds: 1 White-necked Petrel 2 Shy Albatross 1 Black-browed Albatross 3 Long-tailed Jaeger 5 Pomarine Jaeger Etc
David Mitford & Robert Griffin 2/1 #272052
Wed 1highlightBuller's Shearwater,Pale Morph Wedge-tailed Shearwater.
Sydney Harbour National Park,North Head.
Highlights from a sea watch of North Head today was a Buller's Shearwater and a Pale Morph Wedge-tailed Shearwater feeding in with the large numbers of other Shearwaters,this is only my second ever record of a Pale Morph Wedge-tailed Shearwater off Sydney.
Michael Ronan 1/1 #272050
highlightBush Stone-curlew
Capertee Valley off Glen Davis Rd
Present on a private property in the valley (no public access). Not seen by me - posted on a FB page by Rebecca Hann and submitted here with her permission. Present for the past week, visiting daily. There are no visible eBird records for the Capertee, not sure if it is Sensitive Species flagged for the area. (Moderator's Note: There are no eBird or Birdata records of BSCU in the Capertee. There is a record showing in the Capertee grid in the NSW Atlas Vol 1 and Vicki Powys reports that they used to occur just south of the Capertee [at Ben Bullen] but were exterminated by foxes and cats. Could be a dispersing young bird? MR).
Rebecca Hann (submitted by Eric FInley) 1/1 #272048

December 2024
Tue 31White-throated Needletail
Beecroft Peninsula at -35.08351, 150.81431
A late record submission but following on from flock of 80 birds seen at Hyams heath on Xmas day I saw 450+ needletails ‘kettling’ en masse over Jervis Bay. This followed by small groups whizzing past me on the heath along the Fisherman’s beach track. Very impressive! (Moderator's Note: Large number of Needletails for this site. AKM).
Michael ellison 3/1 #272053
Northern Giant Petrel
Soldiers Point (Norah Head)
A juvenile Northern Giant Petrel was seen on the water approx. 500m from shore. This follows a similar sighting on the last Terrigal Pelagic outing on 20/12.
Andrew Robinson (pers comm. Paul Minto) 1/1 #272047
highlightTerek Sandpiper, Aleutian Tern, Sanderling
Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar
Some other waders & terns present included 30 Pacific Golden Plovers, 20 Eastern Curlew, 40 Bar-tailed Godwits, 1 Sanderling & 4 Aleutian Terns and 15 Common Terns eBird checklist
Brian Deans 31/12 #272045
Mon 30Channel-billed Cuckoo
Atherton Close Rankin Park
3 almost fully grown Channel-billed Cuckoos being fed by a lone Australian Magpie.
Jeanette Stephenson 30/12 #272044
Yellow tailed Black cockatoo
131 York St Sydney opp Queen Victoria Building
Heard and saw a YTBC - perched on top of the building and flew west. I know they aren't uncommon, but I've never seen or heard one in the CBD before!
Lindy Jones 30/12 #272043
Sun 29Tawny Grassbird, Magpie Goose
Burren Junction Bore Baths
This has not been confirmed by an ebird moderator yet, but I am confident that I've got the ID right - a number of Tawny Grassbirds have recently appeared at this location, just a few km eastward of Burren Junction (the baths are closed now, but both dam and pond have water in them - good, quiet conditions for birdlife). They were not present 2 months earlier. ebird says that Tawny Grassbird is a rarity at this location, so might as well post here. I had not seen Magpie Geese at this location before either. Photos and audio of both species available at ebird. There were also great views of a Little Grassbird in a dead shrub (attached). See for more photos. eBird checklist
Michael Dahlem 31/12 #272046
highlightPheasant Coucal
The Glen, Mallawa Creek (private property), Bullarah
Could hear an unfamiliar call. Followed call and flushed out Pheasant Coucal. 'The Glen' (70km west of Moree) along Mallowa Creek Area excluded from grazing: vegetated with Lignum, River Cooba, Coolibah and Native grasslands. Environmental Water delivery commenced 16th Dec bringing the area to life. Birding with Joanne O'Cock eBird checklist
Pat Johnston 30/12 #272042
Square-tailed Kite
Morisset CBD
Was pulling out of the station in a bus around 8:15 am (working a Sunday) when I saw the Kite floating around the Police station around power-line height. By the time I went around a few blocks and got back there (around 4 minutes), the Kite was still circling in the same spot. They're quite rare around here and I've usually seen them in a bush/rural setting and seldom in suburbia but never seen one in a totally built-up setting.
Paul Schofield 30/12 #272041
Sat 28Buller's Shearwater.
Long Reef Aquatic Reserve
Hightlights of a seawatch from Long Reef this afternoon was a Buller's Shearwater flying south off the island also about 8 Black-browed and about 8 Shy Albatross.
Michael Ronan 28/12 #272040
megamegaBuff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher
Roseberry, Sydney
An apparent adult Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher was found concussed at a house in Rosebery, taken to a vet, then taken into care by WIRES where it was photographed by Geraldine Meier but also posted to Australian Bird Identification for identification. Permission was given to me to post to Birdline and to use her photo. This is the first report for NSW. Presumably the bird has overshot its normal range, as the usual southern distribution is Mount Speculation near Townsville Qld. There is some speculation that it might have come from an aviary, and this no doubt may be followed up by others. Subsequently it was decided to send the bird to Taronga Zoo for treatment however the bird died overnight.
WIRES per Alan Morris 28/12 #272039
Eastern Osprey
Bilgola Beach
3 Ospreys flying together northwards at low level
David & Larissa Potter 28/12 #272038
Fri 27highlightGould’s Petrel and Albatrosses
Mistral Point, Maroubra
Went down for the last hour of the day and was pleasantly surprised with a Gould’s Petrel flying south, so close that it was visible with the naked eye. Also close in were 7 Shy Albatross and 3 Black-browed Albatross, they all seemed to be interested in something which I couldn’t see, one of each species of Albatross were still visible at 8:32pm. This is the latest time in the evening I have ever seen Albatross at Maroubra. Interestingly no Gannets, Jaegers or Fluttering types seen.
David Mitford 27/12 #272034
Red-kneed Dotterel
Central Coast Wetlands (Tuggerah)
Only the third record for the Central Coast LGA in the past 2 years from memory, all at Central Coast Wetlands.
Andrew Robinson 27/12 #272033
White-throated Needletail
Ground Parrot Site, Hyams Beach Rd, Jervis Bay
Morning visit to the heath, gusting north westerlies and flock of c.80 Needletails overhead - the biggest flock I’ve seen in several years. Also a flock of feeding hirundines over the heath attracting a pass from a marauding Peregrine. Good views of a singing Eastern Bristlebird completed a good hour on an otherwise cicada dominated morning.
Michael ellison 27/12 #272032
Thu 26White-necked Heron
Coutts Crossing village
The White-necked Herons are again nesting at the edge of the village in the same Lage-leaved Spotted Gum Corymbia henryi that they have used in the past few years. They have built a new nest close to the last used one. The bird was sitting low when I visited so it is obscured in the photo by branches and sticks on the nest.
Greg Clancy 28/12 #272035
highlightSouth Island Pied Oystercatcher
Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar
Known South Island Pied Oystercatcher with red leg flag 1N seen in the lagoon around noon.
Robert and Benjamin Hynson 27/12 #272031
Wed 25Musk Lorikeet, Plum-headed Finch
Small groups of Muskies feeding in town at the moment on flowering gums. Also saw three Plumheads just Sth of town this morning. Both these species are very uncommon in this area
Warren Chad 25/12 #272028
Fri 20megamegaNZ Storm-Petrel, White-necked Petrel, Cook’s Petrel, Buller’s Shearwater (3), Northern Giant Petrel
Terrigal Pelagic
A exceptional trip to complete what’s been an incredible year out of Terrigal (12 trips in total). For the second straight trip we were treated to a New Zealand Storm Petrel (different individual) that was seen on and off for about 3 hours. Other notables included White-necked Petrel, Cook’s Petrel, Buller’s Shearwater (3) and Sooty Tern, and on the back of recent southerlies, Buller’s Albatross (2), solid numbers of Shy Albatross (24) and a Northern Giant Petrel! 19 species were seen beyond The Haven in total with 15 of those tubenoses.
Central Coast Pelagics (Andrew Robinson and 15 others on board). 21/12 #272026
Channel billed cuckoo
Delves St Mortdale NSW
Two juveniles, noisily demanding food from an (exhausted looking) an Australian Magpie.(Moderator's note: While it is not unusual for a Channel-billed Cuckoo to lay two eggs in the one nest, it is a bit unusual for Magpies to end up hosting two CBC!.AKM)
Graham Hews 21/12 #272024
Thu 19Buller's Albatross
Shelly Beach Carpark, Manly
Eight birds foraging between Long Reef and North Head and moving southward between 1800 and 1940 along with 15 Black-browed Albatrosses after two days of southerlies. eBird checklist
Mike Kilburn 19/12 #272022
Wed 18White-headed Petrel.
Long Reef Aquatic Reserve
Highlight of a sea watch from Long Reef this afternoon was a White-headed Petrel flying north with the southerly gale there were also 5 Shy Albatross and 3 Black-browed Albatross.
Michael Ronan 18/12 #272016
Outside normal range
Early arrival; late departure
Interesting behaviour
Hard to see
Unusual habitat
Uncommon in area
Unusual numbers
Rare vagrant
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